Thursday, May 19, 2005

Isn't it funny.....

Most people who know me know that I have a pretty hot temper, and on more than one occasion losing it has cost me dearly. Along with this, on occasions I also tend to shoot my mouth off, which has also cost me dearly.


Today at work I don't think I could have been any more angry with my boss. I was at the point where I asked some people who had been there longer than me that if I gave him 2 weeks notice, would he let me stay for the 2 weeks, or just tell me to leave. The answer was the latter. So I decided on a different course....kind of I suppose. I told him (firmly, unfortunately, but civily) that I did not appreciate being in a position where I wasn't entirely trusted, as I had never had to encounter this before. I also told him that I was prepared to take on a lot more responsibility providing he let me do my job, and get the shits with me when I stuffed it up.

He said 'No worries', and gave me a pay rise.......

Go figure.

1 comment:

Trev Hollis said...

I'm not sure :)

You did OK Kel :)